Monday, November 26, 2007

In a Fog?

As I was driving my daughter to school this morning it was quite foggy outside. I had to turn my headlights on in order to see and be seen; I didn't want to have any accidents with my precious cargo inside my car. And I was aware of many people I would see later who would have traveled many more miles than I had in the dense fog. I suppose that would be true both literally and figuratively.

Fog can be quite thick in some place on the road and not quite as dense in other spots. I believe that is exactly like my journey to freedom. There will be times when the road is completely clear: no fog, no rain, no snow, no roadblocks whatsoever. At other times, it will be completely dark, with clouds hiding the moon as well as the stars. At those times, I will need to call on the Source of all Light.

As I journey to freedom, I am grappling with my Christian faith, theology and identity. Will I abandon my lifelong faith? Doubtful. But I do know that my faith is already evolving from what it was 25 years ago, and even from what it was 11 years ago; I just cannot hold on to some of my former beliefs. And to be free, I must be free to express my new beliefs; I can no longer pretend that I believe things I don't truly believe, just so people will think well of me. I am not on a free fall from faith, thought some may believe that, for I do know God is a God of love for all people and God will not abandon me.

On the journey to be free,

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