Sunday, November 4, 2007

All Saints Sunday

My church celebrated All Saints Sunday today. The premise of the celebration is that all believers are saints since that is how Paul referred to them in his letters. So saints include those who are alive as well as those who have gone before -- and those who are yet to come. This does not mean that there have not been those whose lives are worth emulation, who have lived in a way we would like to imitate in some fashion. Most of us have such heroes in/for our lives.

Currently the folks who are my heroes, my saints include people who aren't Christians. Did I just hear someone gasp? Yes indeed, there are those whom I admire, whose advice I follow, who friendship I value, who do not claim to be Christian, who were not raised as Christians, and who I think will never become Christians. I'm never going to invite them to change their religion; they're happy with God as they understand God. I just don't believe they're headed to hell. Maybe I am because I don't try to convert them, but I don't think that's true either. I don't mind sharing my spiritual journey with them, but I feel just as strengthened by their spirituality as I would hope they would be strengthened by mine.

They are my heroes, my friends for many reasons, one of which is that they know me inside out and still consider me their friend. So they're more like family. MUSICAL QUEUE: "We are family..."
And on that note, I will bid you adieu.

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