Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Goodbye to Daisy

Between 5:30 and 8:30 a.m. this morning my cat died. Although I will miss Daisy, I am glad she died peacefully at home rather than having to go to the vet and be "put to sleep." In her younger years, she would never sit on our laps or let anyone hold her for more than a few seconds. As time went on, she grew to enjoy sitting with us, especially with anyone who had a blanket on their lap, but she never did want to be held too long. Petted, stroked, yes, but held -- not so much. I am a little sad over this loss, but not nearly so grief-stricken as my wife and daughters for whom we got the cat and her sister twelve years ago.

I have a lot of other grieving to do, for the changes in my life which have already happened and for those changes which are in the wind. This kind of grieving will make losing the cat look like a walk in the park. I will be losing friends and gaining others. Some friends will become even closer than they are now; some may choose to distance themselves but not forsake our friendship altogether. So be it. I'm on a journey to freedom, a journey which I feel God is calling me to make.

My heart is heavy, but there is one who can lighten this load. That one is God. May you find God now.


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