Tuesday, December 11, 2007

From darkness to light

Someone gave me a parallel Bible today, not two or more English translations, nor Greek/English, nor Hebrew/English, but Spanish and English. It's a great gift, even though I am extremely limited in my Spanish (or because I am). Anyway, I spent some time looking up familiar verses to see how they read in espanol and came across an interesting Spanish idiom. In the Christmas story in Luke 2:7, where it says "she gave birth to her firstborn, a son," the Spanish idiom would literally mean "she gave to light to her firstborn son." What a wonderful image, giving birth meaning giving to the light. A person comes out of the womb, where it is dark, and enters the light. Artists painting their portraits and still life pictures, authors writing their novels and their non-fiction works, pastors crafting their sermons-- are giving birth and their work is brought to light. And hopefully their work sheds light on their subjects. Bringing things to light is like giving birth. Coming out for gay men and lesbians is bringing something to light and something is born. (I hope my gay friends will agree with that.) That's what my journey to freedom is about in one sense, bringing things to light and giving birth to them within myself. Comments on this are welcome!

On the journey, not alone, but with friends who love me,

1 comment:

Glen C. Pruitt said...

As I was reading your entry, I was reminded of the lyrics of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". Verse 3 includes these words: "Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris'n with healing in His wings". Light and Love. The two really go together, don't they? Thanks, Chuck, for reminding us of that fact.