Wednesday, March 5, 2008

God's Love is For All -- Me Included

I caused my parents a lot of trouble, I suppose. Again and again they told me that if others saw me at home, they wouldn't like me so much. Looking back at my childhood, I don't think I was that bad of a kid. Not an angel, but not really bad. I don't think I've ever said anything so hurtful to my own children. My parents, though, added to my low self-esteem, as did the Bible, the Word of God. God told me how bad I was, so then I had to agree with my parents, no one would like me if they really knew me.

I'm 50 years old now, and I know better. I know God is love, and that God's love is great enough to extend to me. I know that people can and do like/love me for who I am, even when they know things about me that I tend to keep hidden. So God's love extends to you, whoever you are reading this.

On my journey to freedom, I know God is right beside me, every step of the way.


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